RT Ferrell

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Freelance Copywriters: An Outside Perspective for an Inside Job

Gain Insight into Your Own Business with a Freelance Copywriter

Nobody knows your business like you do. You’ve been doing this for a while now, and you know what your business is about, how it fits into its particular industry, and how it should be marketed. Except … you don’t.

This is not a knock against any business owner (or marketing department). I’m fully aware that you are an expert in your field — you wouldn’t be where you are if you weren’t. But you are so close to your business that you can only see it through a lens of your own design. And that’s where a freelance copywriter can help you.

The best thing a freelance copywriter can bring your company — aside from their writing skills — is a fresh perspective. As outsiders looking in, we aren’t encumbered by your company’s history or its previous marketing efforts. Instead, we can examine your business and find new ways of thinking about what it does (and how it goes about doing it). We can help you reach new audiences, and we can make current audiences see you in a new light.

In a sense, we can help transform businesses. All it takes is a simple tweak to how you and your employees perceive your business, and all of a sudden everyone is reenergized. You’re still running the same business, but the way you present that business publicly will make you stand out again. It’s something you can feel as a business owner and as an employee, and your customers will feel it too.

As a freelance copywriter in North Carolina, this is perhaps my favorite aspect of the job. I love stepping into a new business, getting a feel for what it is all about, then reframing the way it thinks about itself. It’s how businesses are reinvigorated, reestablished and reborn. And it’s what I do.