RT Ferrell

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Freelance Copywriting in North Carolina

When it comes to freelance copywriting in North Carolina, you can't stick to one location, especially when that location — Winston-Salem — is barely a city. While there's a lot to be found across the Triad, you'll find yourself in situations where work runs dry. That's why you need to expand your search.

Today, I find myself in Charlotte. I've had one meeting so far, and another in a couple of hours. And it may seem silly to drive an hour and 15 minutes to simply meet for coffee or lunch, but I've learned quickly that the more people you meet in person, the more potential there is for work in your future. Basically, if you want to keep a steady stream of freelance copywriting in North Carolina, you need to work the circuit.


So, as I make inroads into the Queen City, I know there's a lot more to be done. There are a lot of agencies I haven't been in touch with yet, which means more trips up and down I-85 for coffee and lunch. And I haven't even scratched the surface in Raleigh yet (but I'm coming for you, Raleigh!). 

And for the folks out there who need freelance copywriting in North Carolina (and are in a position to hire a writer), don't be afraid to reach out. I'm always happy to come meet you to put a face to the name — even if there's no work to be had at the moment. I always consider having my name added to your freelancer pool a win.