What do you do when you’re a leader in the after school education space, but your brand doesn’t speak to the innovative approach you take toward learning? You rebuild you brand from the ground up. With this project, I crafted a new voice for an impressive company while guiding a team as we created a fresh, relevant brand identity.

For a full look at the brand identity work, just click the button below.

Brand Manifesto - This is the first time I’ve ever used an exclamation point in a manifesto. And I stand by it.

We stand for the curious, and long may they explore!
There’s power in a child’s wonder —
A sense of awe that propels imagination forward,
Creating a world of endless possibilities.

In an increasingly divided society,
We help kids find connectivity through discovery.
Collaboration through adventure.
Inclusivity through innovation. 

We believe in every child’s future.
A future built on understanding, knowledge and creativity.
On greater discovery and thoughtful connections.
On acceptance and belonging.

This is why we challenge kids.
Why we engage them.
It’s why we provide a safe, nurturing environment.
A space where joy and excitement drive experiential learning.
A space designed to grow minds and expand horizons.
A space where teaching to a standard ends.
And teaching to life begins. 

We help kids become connected to the world.
We teach them to be secure in their identities and empowered by their potential.
We let them have fun.
And we’re all better for it. 

So join us.
Bring your ingenuity.
Bring your curiosity.
There’s an amazing journey ahead of you,
And we can’t wait to see where you’ll go.

Flyers & Print

Conference Space

Promotional Items & Giveaways

Website - The attached image is just the homepage. But I wrote and oversaw the development of an entirely new website. Click the button below to see the whole thing.

Digital Ads

Social Media



Videos - I wrote the scripts for three separate videos, then arranged the production, sound and editing. We had a limited budget. But with a separate audience for each video — an audience who would never see the other two videos — we were able to reuse footage and stock to pull it off.