Freelance Copywriters Drive Deadlines

Freelancers Keep Clients Committed to Timetables

Deadlines are a two-way street. Clients and agencies both have to stick to an agreement to make it work. If the client can’t provide the necessary information and feedback on time, a job will go past the deadline. Likewise, if an agency doesn’t have the resources to handle its workload, deadlines are missed. Deadlines are probably the most commonly …

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Freelancers Know Their Worth — And They're Worth Every Penny

What an Hourly Rate is Worth to a Client

The worst part of getting a new job is the salary negotiation. You want to earn as much as you can to advance your career, and the company hiring you wants to pay you as little as possible while still paying you enough that you’ll accept the position. I’ve been in this scenario a lot over the years, and there’s no fun to be had. But now …

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