Freelance Copywriters Drive Deadlines

Freelancers Keep Clients Committed to Timetables

Deadlines are a two-way street. Clients and agencies both have to stick to an agreement to make it work. If the client can’t provide the necessary information and feedback on time, a job will go past the deadline. Likewise, if an agency doesn’t have the resources to handle its workload, deadlines are missed. Deadlines are probably the most commonly broken contract that exists.

Freelancers, on the other hand, always respect deadlines. By the very nature of our jobs, we need projects to go as smoothly as possible, We are often juggling several projects at once, and we allocate our time based on deadlines. So when a job gets pushed back, it gets in the way of our other jobs, and, if we’re being honest, a missed deadline wreaks havoc on our invoicing, monthly income, and other deadlines.

Of course, freelancers are just one half of the equation. As a freelance copywriter in Winston-Salem, I cannot be responsible for clients who are slow to get me the information I need, the feedback that is required, etc. But, I’m not afraid to push the client for what I need from them to make sure a job comes in on time. And that is what is so freeing about the position freelancers find themselves in — and it’s what is so helpful to clients.

In an agency setting, creatives don’t contact clients directly — account management plays the middleman. And while account is absolutely necessary when it comes to the overseeing of clients on the whole, they can be cumbersome when it comes to the minutia of specific jobs. They are an extra stop for the flow of information, and they keep clients from getting to know their creatives teams.

Freelancers, on the other hand, have learned how to be their own account management. There’s no roadblock for information. If our client needs something, they contact us directly. If we need something from a client, we contact them directly. And this is also what allows freelancer copywriters and other freelance creatives to help keep projects on track: a constant flow of back and forth information and reminders makes it easier to meet deadlines.

So if you’re a business that wants a job done correctly — and on time — look to a freelancer. You get to work directly with the creatives shaping your brand, and we do our damnedest to ensure your deadlines are met.